Geraldine H. Amori, PhD

Risk Management and Patient Safety Institute Shelburne, VT

Carol A. Armenti

Toms River, NJ

Diana T. Artemis, MS

Falls Church, VA

Howard S. Cohen, MD

Portland, OR

Rebecca DeVivo, MPH, MSW

Chicago, IL

Mitchell L. Dvorak, MS, CAE

Executive Director Consumers Advancing Patient Safety Chicago, IL

Vikki Entwistle, PhD

Health Services Research Unit University of Aberdeen – Scotland

Jason M. Etchegaray, PhD

Institute for Healthcare Excellence The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX

Roger Fritz (deceased)

President Leadership By Design, Inc. St. Louis, MO

Gerald R. Goodman, DrPH

Houston, TX

Roxanne J. Goeltz

Burnsville, MN

Suzanne Graham, RN, PhD

Patient Safety Director Kaiser Permanente Oakland/Pasadena, CA

Kaiser Permanente

Oakland/Pasadena, CA

Martin J. Hatlie, JD

President Partnership for Patient Safety (p4ps) Chicago, IL

Maryella E. Jansen

Deputy Executive Director Department of Health Medical Quality Assurance Commission Olympia, WA

Linda K. Kenney

President, Founder Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITSS) Chestnut Hill, MA

Sharon K. Martin, M.Ed.

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX

Rebecca Martins

Executive Director Institute for Self-Directed Care Warren, ME

Beverley McDonald

Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition Berkley, MI

Suzanne Mintz

President, Co-founder National Family Caregivers Association Kensington, MD

Virginia Morrison, JD

Executive Vice President/ Chief Financial Officer Health Care Mediations, Inc. San Anselmo, CA

Sara A. Olson, RN, BSN

President, Olson Consulting, Inc. Program Director, Quality Focus, Inc. Portland, OR

Jonathan C. Peck

President and Senior Futurist Institute for Alternative Futures Alexandria, VA

William Rowley, MD

Institute for Alternative Futures Alexandria, VA

Paul M. Schyve, MD

Senior Vice President Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Oakbrook Terrace, IL

Susan E. Sheridan, MIM, MBA

Co-founder, President Consumers Advancing Patient Safety Boise, ID

Debora Simmons, RN, MSN, CCRN, CCNS

Institute for Healthcare Excellence The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX

Patricia Stinchfield, RN, MS, CPNP

Director Infectious Disease/Infection Control Services Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Gail O. VanZyl

Director Risk, Regulatory & Health Information Services Catholic Healthcare West Phoenix, AZ

Adam Welsh

Senior Vice President, Healthcare Consulting APPTIS Falls Church, VA

John Whittington, MD

Patient Safety Officer OSF Healthcare System Peoria, IL

Kenneth C. Wilson, MD, MS, CPE

Norton Healthcare Louisville, KY

Judith Winter

Greenbank, WA

Peter K. Wong, PhD, MS, MBA, RPh

Regional Director, Pharmaceutical Care & Services Mercy Health Partners, Mercy Hospital at Western Hill Cincinnati, OH  45238